Sunday, October 27, 2019

Perkongsian Pengalaman: Peringatan sebelum repair kereta

This happened a few weeks ago. Ini bukanlah kali pertama Iman repair kereta di bengkel tetapi ini adalah kali pertama Iman said yes to the consultant at the car service centre without signing the job sheet. Kereta pun dah almost 8 years, so banyak parts nak kena tukar. This time Iman tukar clutch kit set dengan few parts yang lain. It was happened when the parts were not there yet so that the consultant unable to issue the job sheet. At first he showed me what needs to be changed and it costs me about RM700++. Iman was okay, then I told him to proceed as agreed. Since Iman nak kereta siap cepat, so setuju je la verbally without the job sheet. I trusted them because it was not my first time hantar kereta dekat car service centre berjenama tu. Tetapi untuk outlet tu, yes, baru kali pertama.

It took 3 days to be done sebab mereka ada buatkan sekali warranty service yang dah lama tapi belum buat till that day.

Rabu, if I'm not mistaken, mereka cakap dah boleh ambil kereta. So, bila sampai je car service centre tu, waktu nak bayar consultant tu cakap total cost was RM900++. I was like, what the fish, kenapa boleh naik pulak bil tu? Mereka tersangat baik hati, pergi tukar sekali engine oil & radiator coolant without inform me at the fisrt place. Iman tanya kenapa tukar engine oil tu? Sebab Iman baru je service kereta tu & baru je tukar engine oil yang 10k millage. Belum sampai 5k pun lagi millage untuk engine oil yang baru tukar tu. Consultant tu cakap dia tak tahu & dia cakap sebab nampak minyak hitam tu sikit. Haaahhh??? Seriously???

Iman dah malas nak dengar consultant tu cakap pusing2 sebab nak cover silap mereka. Coolant tu lagi la, baru jugak tukar sebab last time temperature kereta naik sebab fan motor rosak. So tukar la 1 set, sekali dengan radiator coolant full.

Nak salahkan mereka 100% pun tak boleh, Memang patut sign job sheet dulu baru minta mereka proceed untuk repair the car.

Moral of the story;

1st - Jangan mudah percaya hanya pada 1 bengkel sahaja walaupun service centre berjama kereta anda. Cuba tukar-tukar outlet, anda akan dapat tahu siapa yang lebih jujur. Jangan malas mencuba ya.

2nd - Make sure sign dulu job sheet then baru proceed dengan repair kereta. Never ever say yes before signing the job sheet. Tapi kalau nak bayar lebih, cuba la.

I've learned my lesson.

Sorry la, campur2 bahasa. I hope this story could help others out there to be more careful & do not let them manipulate you.

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